Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BOD) is responsible for governing the Russian River Sportsmen’s Club (RRSC). Only members in good standing (fees paid & a Waiver of Liability form on file) may serve on the Board. An employee of the organization cannot serve on the Board of Directors.

The President acts as the general manager and is responsible for the day to day operation of the Club.

The President is responsible to the Board of Directors. The President does not have voting rights on matters brought before the BOD; however, s/he may vote in circumstances where the vote of the BOD resulted in a tie.

The Board of Directors consists of 9 members, and hold 2 year terms. Board members are elected by the members and then the board votes on positions to be held. Interested individuals can also be placed on the Board by a vote of the Board if a vacancy occurs during the year.

The Board typically meets the first Wednesday of each month.

If you have any questions for the board please contact them at [email protected]

President: Cindy George

Vice President: George Cinquini

Secretary: Dean Beaupre

Treasurer: George Cinquini

Other members:

Alice Downing

Jesse Kosten