REACH Helicopter GPS coordinates for the center of the grassy area east of the trap house:
Latitude 38 degrees 27 minutes 16.65 seconds North
Longitude 123 degrees 3 minutes 4.51 seconds West
The Range Safety Officer or the Range Master MUST be informed of and take charge of any emergency situation.
The first thing to do is EVALUATE the situation. An emergency can be anything from a scraped knee to a heart attack. If you are in doubt about how serious the situation is, assume it is serious. Render aid within the scope of your training. The fundamental rule for an unconscious or a seriously affected person is ABC: A= Airway Clear B= Breathing and C = Cardiac (heart working). At the bottom of this sheet is a list of members who have some form of training. Determine if any are present and have the most qualified person take over rendering aid.
Delegate a person to call 911 — or you make the call if someone else is administering aid. If you are in doubt about whether to call 911, resolve that doubt by making the call. If you delegated someone to call 911, tell the person to return to you and confirm that the call was made. The advantage of having the range safety officer or range master make the call is that you can stay updated on the situation. Using a cell phone is good idea since it allows you to remain mobile and your GPS coordinates are automatically sent to 911. Verizon seems to work; ATT does not. If the emergency is serious, ask them to dispatch the REACH helicopter and give them the GPS coordinates (above). These coordinates are will simplify the REACH helicopter navigation. At the first opportunity make written notes about what happened, how it happened and who was present. Designate a person to go to the Gold Coast Coffee & Bakery parking lot entrance and direct emergency responders to the scene. Remind the designee to remain there after the first responder arrives, as usually more than one responder will come.